Spring 2024 Midterm Exam

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Instructor(s): Sam Lau

This exam was administered in-person. The exam was closed-notes, except students were allowed to bring a single two-sided notes sheet. No calculators were allowed. Students had 80 minutes to take this exam.

The h table records addresses within San Diego. Only 50 addresses are recorded. The index of the dataframe contains the numbers 1-50 as unique integers.

The o table records information on power outages within San Diego in April 2024. Only 100 outages are recorded. The index of the dataframe contains the numbers 1-100 as unique integers.

The j table is a table that links outages to addresses. Each entry in the j table contains the hid of the affected address and the oid of the outage. For example, the first row of the table records that the outage with an oid of 1 caused the power to go out at addresses with hid 61 and 88. A single outage can affect multiple addresses. There are no missing values and no duplicated rows in this table, and all values are positive integers. This table records all the addresses affected by all of the outages in 2024 so far.

Problem 1

Fill in Python code below so that the last line of each part evaluates to each desired result using the tables h, o, and j as shown on the Reference Sheet.

Problem 1.1

Find the median duration of outages that happened in the early morning (before 8am).



(a): o['time'].dt.hour < 8

(b): 'duration'

Problem 1.2

A Series containing the mean outage duration for outages that happened on the weekend and outages that happened on weekdays.

Hint: If s is a Series of timestamps, s.dt.dayofweek returns a Series of integers where 0 is Monday and 6 is Sunday.



(a): is\_weekend=o['time'].dt.dayofweek >= 5

(b): 'is\_weekend', (c): 'duration'

Problem 1.3

A DataFrame containing the proportion of 4-digit address numbers for each unique street in h.

def foo(x):
    lengths = __(a)__
    return (lengths == 4).mean()



(a): x.astype(str).str.len()

(b): 'street'

(c): agg

Problem 1.4

What does the following code compute?

a = h.merge(j, left_index=True, right_on='hid', how='left')
a.loc[a['oid'].isna(), 'hid'].shape[0]

Answer: The number of addresses with no outages.

Problem 2

Problem 2.1

Consider the following code:

whoa = (h.merge(j, left_index=True, right_on='hid', how='left')
        .merge(o, left_on='oid', right_index=True, how='right')

Consider the following variables:

a = j['hid'] <= 50
b = j['hid'] > 50
c = j['oid'] <= 100
d = j['oid'] > 100
e = (j[j['hid'] <= 50]
     .filter(lambda x: all(x['oid'] > 100))
f = (j[j['oid'] <= 100]
     .filter(lambda x: all(x['hid'] > 50))
g = len(set(h.index) - set(j['hid']))
i = len(set(o.index) - set(j['oid']))

Write a single expression that evaluates to the number of rows in whoa. In your code, you may only use the variables a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i as defined above, arithmetic and bitwise operators (+, -, /, *, &, |), and the np.sum() function. You may not use any other variables or functions. Your code might not need to use all of the variables defined above.

Answer: np.sum(a & c) + f + i

We know that h has the numbers 1-50 as unique integers in its index, and o has the numbers 1-100 as unique integers in its index. However, the hid and oid columns in j have values outside these ranges. To approach this problem, it’s easiest to come up with smaller versions of h, j, and o, then perform the join by hand. For example, consider the following example h, j, and o tables:


hid oid
1 1
2 1
2 10
2 11
10 3
11 3


In this example, whoa would look like the following (omitting other columns besides hid and oid for brevity):

hid oid
1 1
2 1
NaN 2
NaN 3

There are 3 cases where rows will be kept for whoa:

  1. When both hid and oid match in the three tables (when a and c are both true). In the example above, this corresponds to the first two rows of whoa.
  2. When the oid in o doesn’t appear at all in j (calculated by i). In the example above, this corresponds to the third row of whoa.
  3. When the oid in o does appear in j, but none of the hid values appear in h (calculated by f). In the example above, this corresponds to the fourth row of whoa.

Therefore, the number of rows in whoa is:

np.sum(a & c) + f + i

Problem 3

Consider the following code which defines a DataFrame named df:

def hour(df):       return df.assign(hour=df['time'].dt.hour)
def is_morning(df): return df.assign(is_morning=df['hour'] < 12)

df = (h.merge(j, left_index=True, right_on='hid', how='inner')
      .merge(o, left_on='oid', right_index=True, how='inner')

The first few rows of df are shown below.

Suppose we define a DataFrame p and functions a, b, c, and d as follows:

p = df.pivot_table(index='street', columns='hour', values='duration',
                   aggfunc='count', fill_value=0)

def a(n):    return p[n].sum()
def b(s):    return p.loc[s].sum()
def c():     return p.sum().sum()
def d(s, n): return p.loc[s, n]

Write a single expression to compute each of the probabilities below. Your code can only use the functions a, b, c, d, and arithmetic operators (+, -, /, *).

Problem 3.1

The probability that a randomly selected row from df has the street Mission Blvd.

Answer: b('Mission Blvd') / c()

Problem 3.2

The probability that a randomly selected row from df has the street Gilman Dr given that its hour is 21.

Answer: d('Gilman Dr', 21) / a(21)

Problem 3.3

The probability that a randomly selected row from df either has the street Mission Blvd or the hour 12.

Answer: (b('Mission Blvd') + a(12) - d('Mission Blvd', 12)) / c()

Problem 4

Problem 4.1

Consider the following pivot table created using the df table from Question~ which shows the average duration of power outages split by street name and whether the outage happened before 12pm.

Given only the information in this pivot table and the Reference Sheet, is it possible to observe Simpson’s paradox for this data if we don’t split by street? In other words, is it possible that the average duration of power outages before 12pm is lower than the average duration of power outages after 12pm?

Answer: Yes

Notice that the overall average of the durations when is_morning=True is a weighted average of the values in the is_morning=True column of the pivot table. This means that the overall average when is_morning=True must be between (44.93, 59.29). Likewise, the overall average when is_morning=False must be between (40.62, 52.78). This implies that it’s possible for Simpson’s paradox to happen, since the overall average when is_morning=False can be higher than the average when is_morning=True.

Problem 4.2

Consider the following pivot table created using the o table, which shows the average duration of power outages split by whether the outage happened on the weekend and whether the outage happened before 12pm.

Given only the information in this pivot table and the Reference Sheet, is it possible to observe Simpson’s paradox for this data if we don’t split by is_weekend? In other words, is it possible that the average duration of power outages before 12pm is lower than the average duration of power outages after 12pm?

Answer: No

By the same logic as the previous part, the overall average when is_morning=True must be between (53.09, 58.64). The overall average when is_morning=False must be between (43.40, 51.67). This implies that Simpson’s paradox cannot happen, since the overall average when is_morning=False will never be greater than the overall average when is_morning=True.

Problem 5

Praveen wants to answer the following questions using hypothesis tests on the power outages data, so he adds a hour and is_morning column to the o DataFrame. The first few rows of the new o DataFrame are shown below. For this problem, assume that some of the duration values are missing.

For each test, select the one correct procedure to simulate a single sample under the null hypothesis, and select all test statistics that can be used for the hypothesis test among the choices given.

Problem 5.1

Null Hypothesis: Every hour of the day (0, 1, 2, etc.) has an equal probability of having a power outage.

Alternative Hypothesis: At least one hour is more prone to outages than others.

Simulation procedure:

Test statistic:


Simulation procedure: np.random.multinomial(100, [1/24] * 24)

Test statistic: Total variation distance, K-S test statistic

Problem 5.2

Null: The proportion of outages that happen in the morning is the same for both recorded durations and missing durations.

Alternative: The outages are more likely to happen in the morning for missing durations than for recorded durations.

Simulation procedure:

Test statistic:


Simulation procedure: np.random.permutation(o['duration'])

Test statistic: Difference in means

Problem 5.3

Null: The distribution of hours is the same for both recorded durations and missing durations.

Alternative: The distribution of hours is different for recorded durations and missing durations.

Simulation procedure:

Test statistic:


Simulation procedure: np.random.permutation(o['duration'])

Test statistic: Absolute difference in means, Total variation distance, K-S test statistic

Problem 6

After loading in the DataFrame df from Question~, Sam realizes that his puppy Bentley ate some of his data! The first few rows of df are shown below for convenience.

Problem 6.1

Suppose that Sam sorted df by is_morning, and then Bentley ate the first five values from the duration column. What is the missingness mechanism for the duration column?

Answer: MAR on is_morning, hour, and time only

Problem 6.2

Sam believes that the data are MAR on hour only, so he decides to use probabilistic imputation to fill in the missing values. He uses the following code copied from Lecture 8 (line numbers shown in parentheses):

(1)  def impute(s):
(2)      s = s.copy()
(3)      n = s.isna().sum()
(4)      fill = np.random.choice(s.dropna(), n)
(5)      s[s.isna()] = fill
(6)      return s
(7)  df.groupby('hour')['duration'].transform(impute)
  1. Even though this code is copied from lecture, it can raise an error on Sam’s data if a certain condition is met. Which of these, if true, would cause the code to error?
  1. Which line in the code would raise the error?

Answer: 1. At least one hour value only has missing duration values.

Answer: 2. Line 4

👋 Feedback: Find an error? Still confused? Have a suggestion? Let us know here.