Spring 2022 Midterm Exam

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Instructor(s): Suraj Rampure

This exam was administered in-person. The exam was closed-notes, except students were allowed to bring a single two-sided cheat sheet. No calculators were allowed. Students had 50 minutes to take this exam.

Welcome to the Midterm Exam for DSC 80 in Spring 2022!

Throughout this exam, we will be using the following DataFrame students, which contains various information about high school students and the university/universities they applied to.

The columns are:

The rows of 'student' are arranged in no particular order. The first eight rows of 'student' are shown above (though 'student' has many more rows than pictured here).

Problem 1

Problem 1.1

What kind of variable is "APs"?

Answer: Quantitative discrete

Since we can count the number of "APs" a student is enrolled in, it is clearly a quantitative variable. Also note that the number of "APs" a student is enrolled in has to be a whole number, hence it is a quantitative discrete variable.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 97%.

Problem 1.2

Because we can sort universities by admit rate, "University" is a qualitative ordinal variable.

Answer: False

In order for a categorical variable to be ordinal, there must be some inherent order to the categories. We can always sort a categorical column based on some other column, but that doesn’t make the categories themselves ordinal. For instance, we can sort colors based on how much King Triton likes them, but that doesn’t make colors ordinal!

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 79%.

Problem 2

Write a single line of code that evaluates to the most common value in the "High School" column of students, as a string. Assume there are no ties.

Answer: students["High School"].value_counts().idxmax()


students.groupby("High School")["Name"].count().sort_values().index[-1]

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 89%.

Problem 3

Fill in the blank so that the result evaluates to a Series indexed by "Email" that contains a list of the universities that each student was admitted to. If a student wasn’t admitted to any universities, they should have an empty list.


What goes in the blank?

Answer: lambda df: df.loc[df["Admit"] == "Y", "University"].tolist()

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 53%.

Problem 4

Which of the following blocks of code correctly assign max_AP to the maximum number of APs taken by a student who was rejected by UC San Diego?

Option 1:

cond1 = students["Admit"] == "N"
cond2 = students["University"] == "UC San Diego"
max_AP = students.loc[cond1 & cond2, "APs"].sort_values().iloc[-1]

Option 2:

cond1 = students["Admit"] == "N"
cond2 = students["University"] == "UC San Diego"
d3 = students.groupby(["University", "Admit"]).max().reset_index()
max_AP = d3.loc[cond1 & cond2, "APs"].iloc[0]

Option 3:

p = students.pivot_table(index="Admit", 
max_AP = p.loc["N", "UC San Diego"]

Option 4:

# .last() returns the element at the end of a Series it is called on
groups = students.sort_values(["APs", "Admit"]).groupby("University")
max_AP = groups["APs"].last()["UC San Diego"]

Select all that apply. There is at least one correct option.

Answer: Option 1 and Option 3

  • Option 1 works correctly, it is probably the most straightforward way of answering the question. cond1 is True for all rows in which students were rejected, and cond2 is True for all rows in which students applied to UCSD. As such, students.loc[cond1 & cond2] contains only the rows where students were rejected from UCSD. Then, students.loc[cond1 & cond2, "APs"].sort_values() sorts by the number of "APs" taken in increasing order, and .iloc[-1] gets the largest number of "APs" taken.

  • Option 2 doesn’t work because the lengths of cond1 and cond2 are not the same as the length of d3, so this causes an error.

  • Option 3 works correctly. For each combination of "Admit" status ("Y", "N", "W") and "University" (including UC San Diego), it computes the max number of "APs". The usage of .loc["N", "UC San Diego"] is correct too.

  • Option 4 doesn’t work. It currently returns the maximum number of "APs" taken by someone who applied to UC San Diego; it does not factor in whether they were admitted, rejected, or waitlisted.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 85%.

Problem 5

Currently, students has a lot of repeated information — for instance, if a student applied to 10 universities, their GPA appears 10 times in students.

We want to generate a DataFrame that contains a single row for each student, indexed by "Email", that contains their "Name", "High School", "GPA", and "APs".

One attempt to create such a DataFrame is below.

students.groupby("Email").aggregate({"Name": "max",
                                        "High School": "mean",
                                        "GPA": "mean",
                                        "APs": "max"})

There is exactly one issue with the line of code above. In one sentence, explain what needs to be changed about the line of code above so that the desired DataFrame is created.

Answer: The problem right now is that aggregating High School by mean doesn’t work since you can’t aggregate a column with strings using "mean". Thus changing it to something that works for strings like "max" or "min" would fix the issue.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 79%.

Problem 6

Consider the following snippet of code.

pivoted = students.assign(Admit=students["Admit"] == "Y") \
                    .pivot_table(index="High School", 

Some of the rows and columns of pivoted are shown below.

No students from Warren High were admitted to Columbia or Stanford. However,
pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Columbia"] and pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Stanford"] evaluate to different values. What is the reason for this difference?

Answer: Option 3

pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Stanford"] is NaN because there were no rows in students in which the "High School" was "Warren High" and the "University" was "Stanford", because nobody from Warren High applied to Stanford. However, pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Columbia"] is not NaN because there was at least one row in students in which the "High School" was "Warren High" and the "University" was "Columbia". This means that at least one student from Warren High applied to Columbia.

Option 3 is the only option consistent with this logic.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 93%.

Problem 7

Define small_students to be the DataFrame with 8 rows and 2 columns shown directly below, and define districts to be the DataFrame with 3 rows and 2 columns shown below small_students.

Consider the DataFrame merged, defined below.

merged = small_students.merge(districts, 
                                left_on="High School", 

Problem 7.1

How many total NaN values does merged contain? Give your answer as an integer.

Answer: 4

merged is shown below.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 13%.

Problem 7.2

Consider the DataFrame concatted, defined below.

concatted = pd.concat([small_students, districts], axis=1)

How many total NaN values does concatted contain? Give your answer as an integer.

Hint: Draw out what concatted looks like. Also, remember that the default axis argument to pd.concat is axis=0.

Answer: 10

concatted is shown below.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 76%.

Problem 8

Let’s consider admissions at UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara for two high schools in particular.

For instance, the above table tells us that 200 students from La Jolla Private applied to UC San Diego, and 50 were admitted.

What is the largest possible integer value of N such that:

Answer: 124

Let’s consider the two conditions separately.

First, UC Santa Barbara needs to have a higher admit rate for both high schools. This is already true for La Jolla Private (\frac{100}{300} > \frac{50}{200}); for Sun God Memorial High, we just need to ensure that \frac{N}{150} > \frac{200}{300}. This means that N > 100.

Now, UC San Diego needs to have a higher admit rate overall. The UC San Diego admit rate is \frac{50+200}{200+300} = \frac{250}{500} = \frac{1}{2}, while the UC Santa Barbara admit rate is \frac{100 + N}{450}. This means that we must require that \frac{1}{2} = \frac{225}{450} > \frac{100+N}{450}. This means that 225 > 100 + N, i.e. that N < 125.

So there are two conditions on N: N > 100 and N < 125. The largest integer N that satisfies these conditions is N=124, which is the final answer.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 72%.

Problem 9

Valentina has over 1000 students. When a student signs up for Valentina’s college counseling, they must provide a variety of information about themselves and their parents. Valentina keeps track of all of this information in a table, with one row per student. (Note that this is not the students DataFrame from earlier in the exam.)

Problem 9.1

Valentina asks each her students for the university that their parents attended for undergrad. The "father’s university" column of Valentina’s table contains missing values. Valentina believes that values in this column are missing because not all students’ fathers attended university.

According to Valentina’s interpretation, what is the missingness mechanism of "father’s university"?

Answer: Not missing at random

Per Valentina’s interpretation, the reason for the missingness in the "father’s university" column is that not all fathers attended university, and hence they opted not to fill out the survey. Here, the likelihood that values are missing depends on the values themselves, so the data are NMAR.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 81%.

Problem 9.2

The "mother’s phone number" column of Valentina’s table contains missing values. Valentina knows for a fact that all of her students’ mothers have phone numbers. She looks at her dataset and draws the following visualization, relating the missingness of "mother’s phone number" to "district" (the school district that the student’s family lives in):

Given just the above information, what is the missingness mechanism of "mother’s phone number"?

Answer: Missing at random

Here, the distribution of "district" is different when "mother’s phone number" is missing and when "mother’s phone number" is present (the two distributions plotted look quite different). As such, we conclude that the missingness of "mother’s phone number" depends on "district", and hence the data are MAR.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 88%.

Problem 9.3

UC Hicago, a new private campus of the UC, has an annual tuition of $80,000. UC Hicago states that if an admitted student’s parents’ combined income is under $80,000, they will provide that student a scholarship for the difference.

Valentina keeps track of each student’s parents’ incomes along with the scholarship that UC Hicago promises them in a table. The first few rows of her table are shown below.

Given just the above information, what is the missingness mechanism of "scholarship"?

Answer: Missing by design

Here, the data are missing by design because you can 100% of the time predict whether a "scholarship" will be missing by looking at the "mother’s income" and "father’s income" columns. If the sum of "mother’s income" and "father’s income" is at least $80,000, "scholarship" will be missing; otherwise, it will not be missing.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 88%.

Problem 10

Consider the following pair of hypotheses.

Problem 10.1

What type of test is this?

Answer: Hypothesis test

Here, we are asking if one sample is a random sample of a known population. While this may seem like a permutation test in which we compare two samples, there is really only one sample here — the GPAs of admits from La Jolla Private. To simulate new data, we sample from the distribution of all GPAs.

Note that this is similar to the bill lengths on Torgersen Island example from Lecture 6 (in Spring 2022, at least).

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 75%.

Problem 10.2

Which of the following test statistics would be appropriate to use in this test? Select all valid options.

Answer: Option 1 and 2

  • In hypothesis tests where we test to see if a sample came from a larger distribution, we often use the sample mean as the test statistic (again, see the Torgersen Island bill lengths example from Lecture 12). Hence, the La Jolla Private mean GPA is a valid option.

  • Note that in this hypothesis test, we will simulate new data by generating random samples, each one being the same size as the number of applications from La Jolla Private. The overall mean GPA will not change on each simulation, as it is a constant. Hence, Option 2 reduces to Option 1 minus a constant, which purely shifts the distribution of the test statistic and the observed statistic horizontally but does not change their relative positions to one another. Hence, the difference between the La Jolla Private mean GPA and overall mean GPA is also a valid test statistic.

  • Option 3 is not valid because our alternative hypothesis has a direction (that the mean GPA of La Jolla Private admits is less than the mean GPA of all admits). The absolute difference would be appropriate for a directionless alternative hypothesis, e.g. that the mean GPA of La Jolla Private admits is different than the mean GPA of all admits.

  • Option 4 doesn’t work because we are not dealing with categorical distributions.

  • Option 5 doesn’t work because we are not running a permutation test to test if two samples come from the underlying population distribution; rather, here we are testing if one sample comes from a larger population (and our hypotheses explicitly mentioned the mean).

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 81%.

Problem 11

Consider the following pair of hypotheses.

Problem 11.1

What type of test is this?

Answer: Permutation test

There are two relevant distributions at play here:

  • The distribution of admit/waitlist/reject proportions at Warren High.

  • The distribution of admit/waitlist/reject proportions at La Jolla Private.

To generate new data under the null, we need to shuffle the group labels, i.e. randomly assign students to groups.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 89%.

Problem 11.2

Which of the following test statistics would be appropriate to use in this test? Select all valid options.

Answer: Option 4

The two distributions described in 11(a) are categorical, and the TVD is the only test statistic that measures the "distance" between two categorical distributions.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 79%.

Problem 12

After getting bored of working with her students, Valentina decides to experiment with different ways of simulating data for the following pair of hypotheses:

As her test statistic, Valentina uses the number of heads. She defines the 2-D array A as follows:

# .flatten() reshapes from 50 x 2 to 1 x 100
A = np.array([
    np.array([np.random.permutation([0, 1]) for _ in range(50)]).flatten() 
    for _ in range(3000)

She also defines the 2-D array B as follows:

# .flatten() reshapes from 50 x 2 to 1 x 100
B = np.array([
    np.array([np.random.choice([0, 1], 2) for _ in range(50)]).flatten() 
    for _ in range(3000)

Below, we see a histogram of the distribution of her test statistics.

Which one of the following arrays are visualized above?

Answer: Option 2

Note that arr.sum(axis=1) takes the sum of each row of arr.

The difference comes down to the behavior of np.random.permutation([0, 1]) and np.random.choice([0, 1]).

Each call to np.random.permutation([0, 1]) will either return array([0, 1]) or array([1, 0]) — one head and one tail. As a result, each row of A will consist of 50 1s and 50 0s, and so the sum of each row of A will be exactly 50. If we drew a histogram of this distribution, it would be a single spike at the number 50.

On the other hand, each call to np.random.choice([0, 1], 2) could either return array([0, 0]), array([0, 1]), array([1, 0]), or array([1, 1]). Each of these are returned with equal probabilities. In effect, np.random.choice([0, 1], 2) flips a fair coin twice, so [np.random.choice([0, 1], 2) for _ in range(50)] flips a fair coin 100 times. When we take the sum of each row of B, we will get the number of heads in 100 coin flips; the histogram drawn is consistent with this interpretation.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 83%.

👋 Feedback: Find an error? Still confused? Have a suggestion? Let us know here.